Shaana has been appointed to Walk SF’s Board of Directors. This wonderful organization works to make San Francisco a “more livable, walkable city and reclaiming our streets as shared public space for everyone to enjoy.”
Walk SF has been working since 1998 to make San Francisco the most walkable city in the United States and they have made some great strides (pun definitely intended), including:
• Making San Francisco the first big city in the state with citywide 15-mph school zones, making streets safer around 181 schools!
• Securing funds to make the streets better for walking, including $50 million in the 2011 Streets Bond.
• Watch-dogging the police and District Attorney to make sure they enforce laws that keep you safe when you walk.
• Helping to launch car-free Sunday Streets and supporting parklets and plazas to reclaim streets as shared public space.
• Improving safety on the city’s most dangerous streets, including 19th Ave, Masonic, and Cesar Chavez.
• Making developers pay the real cost of car traffic and its impacts on pedestrians.
• Raising fines on cars blocking sidewalks.
• Winning media and decision-maker attention to the perspective of people who walk!