Complete Streets

The California Bicycle Coalition has adopted a number of campaigns in its advocacy for better cycling in California. One of those is the ‘Complete Streets’ Initiative.

The goal of ‘Complete Streets’ is to “ensure that all public roads in California are designed and operated to accommodate all roadway users, including bicyclists, public transit riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities”.

Complete Streets will vary significantly depending on the conditions (rural, urban, flat, hilly, etc). They may include:

  • Sidewalks
  • Bike Lanes (or wide paved shoulders)
  • Special Bus Lanes
  • Comfortable and Accessible Transit Stops
  • Frequent Crossing Opportunities
  • Median Islands
  • Accessible Pedestrian Signals
In California, Complete Streets are the law. On January 1, 2011, the ‘Complete Streets Act’ went into effect. The law requires “cities and counties, when updating the part of a local general plan that addresses roadways and traffic flows, to ensure that those plans account for the needs of all roadway users.” As the result of the passage of the act in 2008, California became the second state to implement the ‘Complete Streets’ policies.

‘Complete Streets’ are not a partisan issue. Everyone can and should support making streets more accesible for all peoples since ‘Complete Streets’:

  • Increases Transportation Choices
  • Economic Revitalization
  • Improved Return on Infrastructure Investments
  • Quality of Place
  • Improved Safety
  • More Walking and Bicycling




Complete Streets

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