Are Traffic Fatalities Rising in California from the Use of Rideshare Services?

Traffic Fatalities Rising in California from the Use of Rideshare Services

A rideshare accident lawyer is someone we hope you will never need, but we understand why we’re needed.  When Transportation Network Service drivers like those for Uber and Lyft that offer ridesharing services are involved in a collision there are usually three or more entities involved in the claim which amounts to a lot of phone calls and hair-pulling levels of frustration.  If there is an injury as a result of a vehicle collision with a rideshare driver as a passenger, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, then the stakes are even higher due to medical costs and lost wages during recovery.  A catastrophic injury or loss of life from a rideshare accident is the worst-case scenario for someone to have to face and no one should face this alone.  And with the increase in rideshare use, injuries and fatalities are an unfortunate reality. 

There’s no doubt rideshare services are rapidly increasing in popularity.  The California Mid-State Fair is held near our office in Paso Robles (we can even hear the concerts from our office!) and in recent years the site relocated the free shuttle services to make room for rideshare pick-ups and drop-offs directly in front of the venue.  Local residents who charge patrons to park in their yard even dropped prices this year, too.  The convenience of ridesharing is undeniable.  But at what cost?

The San Francisco County Transportation Authority commissioned their own study looking at VMT (vehicle miles traveled) and found that Uber and Lyft are the ‘biggest contributors’ to San Francisco’s traffic congestion. Uber and Lyft came forward with their own study this month from a transportation consultancy review of six cities, including San Francisco, and again found that there is a statistically significant increase in traffic congestion brought on from these rideshare services – as much as 13.4% in San Francisco County, with a noticeable increase closer to the city’s core.  The data has been increasing as rideshare and transportation network service use increases.

Traffic congestion is certainly a nuisance, but what does this mean for traffic fatalities in San Francisco and California as a whole?  California has been one of the states with the highest traffic fatality rates for many years.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) publishes statistics on traffic accidents with fatalities including pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities from vehicle collisions (see our chart below).

California's Traffic Deaths: 1985; 2008-2018
California’s Traffic Deaths: 1985; 2008-2018

If we were to compare California’s traffic fatality rate in 1985 (4,960) to California in 2017 (3,602), you can see that the rate of traffic accident fatalities is down overall, but looking at more recent years (since 2014), the traffic collision death rate is going back up.  Now, keep in mind that California is currently the state with the second most pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities involving traffic collisions (Florida is first), which means many of these victims are pedestrians or people riding a bicycle, something San Francisco is working very hard to end with the Vision Zero initiative.  

If you’re wondering how rideshare accidents have anything to do with traffic fatalities in San Francisco, you may want to read this recent study from the University of Chicago and Rice University, “The Cost of Convenience: Ridehailing and Traffic Fatalities,” which found a correlation to the increase in fatal car crashes and the launching of Uber and Lyft in the cities they examined.  They found an increase of about 3% in the number of traffic fatalities for both vehicle occupants and pedestrians/bicyclists which has been the complete opposite of what many people expected.  The idea behind transportation network services was to assist in convenience and provide an alternative for people who are or will likely be impaired and unable to drive themselves; which is a great idea on the surface as there were nearly 11,000 people killed by impaired drivers in 2017 and more than 1,000 of these people were pedestrians.

But this study and others like it have been hindered by the transportation network service providers in finding the total number of accidents and fatalities directly caused by or involving a rideshare driver.  Uber, as an example, requires injured parties who seek lawful compensation for their injuries to sign a confidentiality clause as a condition of settlement.  These confidentiality clauses are often referred to as ‘gag orders’ because they suppress the information and effectively keep the statistics of injuries and/or fatalities caused by drivers within their network from public scrutiny and reports.  This makes it nearly impossible to provide hard data demonstrating that traffic fatalities are rising in California from the use of rideshare services.  The associated increase of 3% in traffic-related fatalities due to ridesharing accidents may be an understatement.

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Beat the Heat with these Summer Safety Tips

summer cyclist safety tips in paso robles and san francisco personal injury lawyers

Summer is here and with the extra hours of sunshine comes the heat!  In San Francisco, a “hot” day might be in the 80s, but this year it’s already been hotter than usual and at our Paso Robles office and in other scenic riding locations on the Central Coast, temperatures can easily surpass 100 degrees.  If you plan to go out in the heat for cycling or other activities, read on for some of our favorite tips to combat the hot weather.


Hydration always sounds like an obvious first step in the heat, but it isn’t just about hydrating during your summer activities, you’ll want to hydrate before and after, too.  The CDC and Cal/OSHA recommend 1 cup of water for every 15 minutes of physical activity in the heat and consuming electrolytes (sports drinks/fruit juice) before and after to replenish the salt we use for sweating.  They also warn that alcohol can reduce the body’s ability to regulate temperatures and should be avoided before your planned cycling day or any other activity in the heat.  And just a reminder, CA Vehicle Code 21200.5 does not provide a specific blood-alcohol threshold to be considered riding a bicycle under the influence, but cycling impaired is unlawful and a violation fine can be up to $250.

Keep Your Core Cool

There are a variety of products out there to help keep your core temperature down in hot weather like specialty towels and jerseys.  For motorcyclists, there are suits and jackets with mesh ventilation flaps.  But there are also some very easy ways to keep your core cool without needing a gear upgrade.  A favorite of many cyclists is freezing your water bottle when half full to create an ice block.  A fun alternative from wine country is to freeze grapes and use them as ice cubes; they’ll cool your water and provide a tasty snack later.  Want more?  Here’s a DIY tutorial on how to make your own neck cooler here.

Watch for Signs of Heat Stroke

While you may have taken all of the steps to beat the heat, others with you may not have properly prepared.  Symptoms of over-heating include headache, nausea, dizziness, and weakness.  At the point of heat exhaustion, the affected person may sweat more profusely than usual and have a rapid pulse.  If heat exhaustion goes untreated, the person may stop sweating altogether and/or become confused; the warning signs of heat stroke, a serious medical condition.  If you believe someone is in danger of over-heating, get them into a cool area immediately.  If there are concerns of heat stroke, call 911.  For more information, visit the CDC’s website here.

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Add Rahman Law to Your Phone Contacts

No one ever expects to be involved in a collision.  If you plan to be out cycling, riding a motorcycle, or driving this summer, be sure to add us to your contacts in your phone.  That way, you can call us immediately if you ever need us.  We also have free toolkits and guidebooks on our website here.  Have a great summer!

Rahman Law PC

San Francisco Personal Injury Attorneys Rahman Law PC Sponsor Walk to Work Day 2019

Walk to Work Day 2019

Walk to Work Day 2019

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 2, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — San Francisco Personal Injury Attorneys, Rahman Law PC, are pleased to announce their repeat sponsorship of Walk San Francisco’s annual Walk to Work Day. The event will take place Wednesday, April 10, 2019 between 7:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Last year’s event was the biggest ever and participation is expected to increase again this year. San Francisco was the first city in the nation to officially celebrate Walk to Work Day in 2013 and Rahman Law PC has participated in or sponsored the event for the past 6 years.

Walk to Work Day was introduced by Prevention Magazine in 2004 to encourage walking as an everyday part of a healthy lifestyle. San Francisco made Walk to Work Day official to further this mission by raising pedestrian safety awareness to make walking better in San Francisco every day. Walk San Francisco, a non-profit dedicated to making the streets of San Francisco a more livable, walkable shared public space, supports Walk to Work Day with Hubs where volunteers give out freebies, coffee, and prizes for commuters who participate.

As with last year, Walk to Work Day 2019 will include a rally at City Hall at 9 a.m. to give pedestrians an opportunity to ask City leaders to make the streets safer for everyone.

Shaana Rahman, the principal and founder of Rahman Law PC, is a personal injury attorney in San Francisco and Paso Robles. Ms. Rahman serves on the Board of Directors of Walk San Francisco and believes in advocating to keep San Francisco safe for everyone. As a personal injury attorney in San Francisco, she has seen firsthand how dangerous the high-injury corridors can be to pedestrians. These corridors are the 6 percent of streets in San Francisco where 60 percent of pedestrian injuries and fatalities from collisions occur. Last year, there were 15 pedestrian fatalities in San Francisco, which is fewer than in 2013, the year Walk to Work Day became official in San Francisco, but still too many.

In addition to sponsoring Walk to Work Day in San Francisco, Ms. Rahman and some of the Rahman Law PC staff will be volunteering at a Work Day Hub. Work Day Hub locations can be found on the Walk San Francisco website ( To meet Ms. Rahman and the other personal injury attorneys of Rahman Law PC, follow the Rahman Law PC Facebook page ( to find out which Hub they will be at and receive updates on making San Francisco a safer place for pedestrians.

Personal Injuries Are Happening Inside the Crosswalk: WalkFirst Initiative

personal injury attorney crosswalks in san franciscoWalkFirst is part of the Vision Zero program targeting ways to reengineer the City of San Francisco to reduce personal injuries to pedestrians from vehicle collisions.  170 locations have been identified as the highest priorities and they are being corrected over the next five years.  As personal injury attorneys in San Francisco, we’ve been following along with these plans excitedly.  WalkFirst is focusing on Engineering, Enforcement, and Education to reduce the number of fatalities and personal injuries to pedestrians and we think it’s great!

Engineering to Reduce Personal Injuries to Pedestrians with WalkFirst

Many of the changes you will see in San Francisco revolve around intersections with Stop signs and crosswalks.  If you’re wondering why that is, much of the WalkFirst data was created in conjunction with SFMTA Municipal Transportation Agency.  Their San Francisco 2012-2015 Collisions Report released in November of 2016 showed many non-fatal injury collisions with pedestrians revolved around exactly that (no. of collisions): crosswalks (1,305), Stop signs (364), and violations of the traffic signals (1,101).  Correcting these three things would correct 23% of pedestrian personal injuries from vehicle collisions.  In an effort to reduce these incidents, the WalkFirst initiative includes pulling back Stop and Yield lines, painting curbs red near crosswalks, and more pedestrian islands.

Speed is understandably at the top of the list for the causes of pedestrian personal injuries caused by vehicle collisions (2,199 or 18%).  To aid pedestrians in crosswalks when the car coming at them is speeding, high visibility crosswalks and HAWK Beacons are also being added along with more medians.   But until these tools are in place, remember to look carefully and make sure the drivers see you before you step off of the curb.

These preventative tools have been engineered to reduce the number of collisions with pedestrians and tested with great success in other urban cities.  The HAWK Beacon has reduced collisions as much as 69% and pedestrian islands as much as 56%.  Altering a traffic signal to have a separate left turn phase can reduce collisions with pedestrians at an intersection by 48%.  Expect to see these changes in the “High Injury Corridors” of San Francisco as WalkFirst and Vision Zero continue to bring the number of personal injuries and fatalities down to zero.  We’ve taken the pledge to support these initiatives, have you?

Law Enforcement to Reduce Personal Injuries to Pedestrians with WalkFirst

Both WalkFirst and Vision Zero have the City and County law officials working with the initiatives to bring about the needed changes.  After identifying the top causes of pedestrian collisions (there are nine top factors in collisions with personal injuries and the “Focus on Five” linked to collisions with fatalities), SFPD committed 50% of traffic enforcement to these identified most dangerous traffic behaviors.  Data from other metropolitan areas with similar initiatives have found enforcement with education can lead to a 23% reduction in vehicle collisions with pedestrians.  This includes red light cameras which have already led to a reduction in severe and fatal traffic injuries at their intersections.

WalkFirst and Vision Zero Education

Every day in San Francisco, about 3 people are hit by cars while walking and we have four times the national average of pedestrian fatalities for our traffic fatalities.  WalkFirst and Vision Zero along with the City of San Francisco have all launched campaigns to educate the public about the issues with traffic safety in San Francisco.  We are all pedestrians every day.  Here at Rahman Law PC, we advocate for safer streets in our community for pedestrians and bicyclists and actively participate in WalkFirst and Vision Zero.  As personal injury attorneys, we see the reality of these injuries every day and know that change is needed.  If you would like more information, please visit these resources:

When Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

personal injury attorneyNot everyone feels comfortable picking up the phone and calling a personal injury attorney.  We’re not sure why – we’re really great people to have in your corner!  We care about our clients and have a personal relationship with each one.  We even spend time on the phone answering questions from people who are not our clients because we are passionate about advocating for our community.  (Learn more about who we are and our team here).

But if you are someone who is still trying to decide if this is the right time to pick up the phone, let’s talk about when you need a personal injury attorney.

  1. If you’ve been hurt by no fault of your own and have medical bills, you need a personal injury attorney.

Hospitals and insurance companies have forms which will ask you if this was an accident.  They are going to want to know if there is someone at fault that should be paying for this other than your health insurance.  And we all know how quickly medical bills can add up for a severe injury, especially if an insurance company decides the injury is not their obligation to pay.  Or you may have submitted your bills to the insurance company of the other party already, from a car collision perhaps, and that insurance company isn’t paying.  If you are injured, you need to focus on healing.  A personal injury attorney can manage the bills: where they need to be sent and which party is responsible.  If needed, a lien can be placed on your medical bills that will suspend their payment due date pending trial.  This will protect you from debt collectors which can again, let you focus on healing.


  1. If your injury is causing you to miss work and lose wages, it is time to talk to a personal injury attorney.

In California, we have 12 weeks of Family Medical Leave, but those 12 weeks can go by rapidly in the event of a severe injury and at that point, an employer might dismiss you from your job completely which can remove any benefits you had with it, including your medical insurance which you might be using.  Do not wait until the 11th week to see out assistance from a personal injury attorney, start looking as soon as you realize you’ll be missing work.  Your injury may become long-term, especially if there are any unforeseen complications.  And this lost time is something you’ll want to recover from the at-fault party, which a personal injury attorney will be able to evaluate for you.


  1. The moment there is a dispute over liability or payment – call a personal injury attorney to protect your rights.

The moment of an accident or injury, many people will say things without knowing what their insurance company or employer will actually do.  For example, if you were hurt on public transportation, the driver might apologize profusely and say that the City or other responsible entity will pay for everything, but this person is not in a position to make those decisions.  The moment someone tells you “no” when you’ve been injured (mentally or physically) or suffered a loss (of property, money, or job) is the time to pick up the phone and call a personal injury attorney.  If the person, company, or insurance provider deemed at-fault is no longer working with you, you need professional assistance.  They have a team on their side and you should have one, too.


Hiring a personal injury attorney is not an over-reaction to a situation.  You are protecting yourself against insurance companies and businesses with teams of attorneys skilled at working against people who do not seek legal counsel.  By selecting a personal injury attorney to represent you, you’ll have an advocate for you and as needed, they will bring in a team of experts who understand the focus of your case.  If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, you shouldn’t have to fight alone.


You should be comfortable with your attorney.  We offer free consultations if you ever feel like you need to talk to us, please reach out!

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Plan a Safe Route to School: Focus on Five to the Reduce Number of Wrongful Deaths

wrongful death attorney

Your child has a right to attend a safe, secure, and peaceful school environment and all reasonable steps are to be taken by the school district to protect its students (Ed. Code § 48200), but what about the route getting to and from school?  How do you protect your child from a catastrophic injury or worse – wrongful death – on their school route?  The number of fatalities to pedestrians and cyclists in San Francisco are decreasing each year since 2013, but it’s still too high (even one is too many and we support Vision Zero for San Francisco).  In 2017, 14 pedestrians, 4 motorcyclists, and 2 bicyclists were killed in vehicle collisions.  Pedestrians have continued to be the largest group for wrongful deaths due to vehicle collisions in San Francisco since at least 2010.  We want to help you with information about how to protect your child from a catastrophic injury when they are on their way to a safe place, to prevent you from needing a wrongful death attorney.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Sustainable Streets Division has created their list of the “Focus on the Five” for traffic enforcement officials to look at.  These five conditions result in the most injuries for pedestrians and cyclists.  To help your child be prepared for a safe walk to ride to school talk to them about these five conditions and what to look out for at intersections to prevent a catastrophic injury:

Focus on Five to the Reduce the Number of Wrongful Deaths:

  • Unsafe Speed
  • Failure to Yield to Pedestrians
  • Violation of Traffic Signal
  • Failure to Yield for Left/U-Turn
  • Failure to Stop at Stop Sign

Pedestrians in California have the right-of-way in many circumstances and drivers should yield to them, but it is important for children to understand the difference between “should” and “will.”  The same is true for stopping at Stop signs or even stopping completely and looking both ways for pedestrians at a crosswalk.  To protect your children on their route to school and keep them from the frightening statistics of wrongful deaths in San Francisco, take the time to walk with them often and help them understand these differences about drivers, especially when children may eventually be walking to school without a taller (more easily visible) adult.  If crosswalk flags are available on their route, they may be used as an added visibility tool, but they do not compensate for understanding the need for children to wait to be seen by the driver before stepping out away from the curb.  The majority of pedestrian wrongful deaths over the years in San Francisco were found to be in crosswalks by the SFMTA.

Plan the Route Carefully Away from Top 13% Streets:

Anyone who has reviewed Vision Zero before might already know about the dangerous areas to walk and ride.  The greater majority of catastrophic injuries and wrongful deaths occur on a very small percentage of San Francisco’s streets: just 13% of the streets and intersections make up about 75% of the fatalities and major injuries.  These are often considered to be the “High Injury Corridors” of San Francisco.  There is an updated and interactive map available from City and County of San Francisco here.  Take time to review this map and look to see if your child’s route passes through an area known to be dangerous.  If one or more wrongful deaths have occurred at an intersection your child plans to pass through daily, consider changing their planned path and discussing with them the need for the new route so that they do not divert from the new plan.  If you are not currently looking at the map, 5th Street and Market Street has been at the top of the list for pedestrian and bicyclist collisions for several years.

safe routes to school in san francisco

(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Sustainable Streets Division: San Francisco 2012-2015 Collisions Report, 2016)


Local Resources Are Available for Your Child’s Safety

Your school may provide crossing guards at specific intersections.  The school district’s liability is with the school’s grounds, but the school may have additional resources to offer to you.

Walk San Francisco provides annual safe route events to help children learn about planning and executing safe routes to school.  They also welcome your emails.  Rahman Law PC principal and founder, Shaana Rahman, is on the Board of Walk San Francisco, so don’t be surprised if you see her at one of Walk San Francisco’s events!  Learn more about Walk San Francisco’s programs for planning a safe route to school here:  Their next Walk & Roll to School Day will be Wednesday, October 10th, 2018.

If you are closer to our Paso Robles office, talk to Kidical Mass with Bike SLO County:  Rahman Law PC sponsors Bike SLO County and some of the Kidical Mass events.  There are no events currently scheduled.


A Wrongful Death Can Happen – Call Us

No one ever wants to think about losing their child.  In 2016, only 1 child was lost as a pedestrian fatality in San Francisco, but in California, the average is about 29% of children under 14 killed in a traffic collision are pedestrians which is actually higher than the overall average of 21% of total traffic collision deaths being pedestrians (CDPH Traffic Safety Reports: Pedestrian Injuries in California 2007-2013, June 2017).  Keep talking to your children.  If you or someone you know is injured as a pedestrian or bicyclist in a vehicle collision, call us.  You are welcome to speak with one of our wrongful death attorneys or pedestrian and bicycle accident attorneys.  Consultation are free.


Bicycle Accident Attorneys Rahman Law PC to Exhibit at Biketoberfest Marin 2018

SAN FRANCISCO, California, 10/8/2018 (ReleaseWire) – Rahman Law PC, a personal injury law firm handling pedestrian and bicycle accident and injury cases in San Francisco and Paso Robles, California, announces their 9th year supporting Biketoberfest Marin to be held on Saturday, October 13, 2018 in Fairfax, California.  Biketoberfest Marin joins all bicycling communities together by offering group road and mountain bike rides, a handmade bike show, live music, food, and 20 West Coast brewers.   The event is hosted by and benefiting the Marin County Bicycle Coalition and Access4Bikes drawing over 5,000 attendees.

Shaana Rahman, principal and founder of Rahman Law PC, is a member and long-time sponsor of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition, sharing in their mission “to promote safe bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation,” as well as promote advocacy and “give cyclists a voice.”  The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is also on a mission to build the bicycle community, which they do through events like Biketoberfest Marin where Shaana Rahman and some of her team will be in attendance at an exhibitor’s table to talk to the bicycling community.

As an exhibitor at Biketoberfest, Rahman Law PC will be able to answer bicyclists’ questions related to personal injury, property damage, and other bicyclist accident law.  The personal injury law firm answers calls from the community daily as part of their free consultation service, but events like Biketoberfest give a greater opportunity to answer more peoples’ questions.  While exhibiting, Rahman Law PC also plans to reach out to the community and ask “Why do you ride?” while on Facebook Live ( and further community awareness about who riders are and what bicycling means to them.

“Biketoberfest is such a great event because of the variety of riders who attend,” said Ms. Rahman.  “In the past, we’ve seen road cyclists, commuters cyclists, mountain bikers, and BMX riders.  Education is important in reducing the number of bicyclist fatalities and we are happy to answer their questions and help them understand their rights as cyclists, regardless of what they ride.”

Anyone unable to attend the event can download free information kits from: which cover property damage claims for bicycles, what to do in a vehicle accident (bicyclists included), and a quick reference guide for riding in California.


About Rahman Law PC

The personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC are powerful advocates for people who have been injured through no fault of their own.  What makes Rahman Law PC different from other personal injury law firms is they care about what happens to their clients; they aggressively advocate for their clients’ interests and have a personal relationship with each client, taking the time to listen and figure out solutions that make sense from a legal point of view but also from a human perspective. By providing the highest quality legal services to those who have been injured or have suffered wrongdoing at the hands of other individuals, corporations, or public entities, the personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers at Rahman Law PC have a proven track record of results and have successfully recovered millions of dollars for clients throughout California. Rahman Law PC offers clients attentive service backed with big firm experience, making them ready to take on any opponent.  To learn more about the personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC, visit or call 415-956-9245 in San Francisco, 805-619-3108 in Paso Robles, California.

San Francisco’s Unacceptable Number of Bicyclist Deaths in 2018

The vision we share with many is that no pedestrian or bicyclist will be fatally injured by a vehicle in San Francisco – ever.  The City of San Francisco is behind Vision Zero with a mandate to bring traffic deaths to zero by 2024.  This year has been looking on track at reducing pedestrian fatalities, but we have reversed our progress for bicyclists and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has already said it is unacceptable.  As bicycle accident attorneys, we agree.  On Thursday, September 13th 2018, the fourth bicyclist this year was fatally injured by a vehicle in San Francisco.

To put this number into perspective, since 2009, the two times San Francisco has seen as many bicyclist fatalities were in years with over 30 total traffic fatalities: 2013 and 2015*.  2013 in particular was the year with the most overall traffic fatalities since 2010.  It’s only September and we have already reached this unfortunate target.  Based on traffic collision statistics, it is impossible to say that there won’t be another bicyclist fatality in San Francisco this year.  Data is still being compiled for this year, but last year was a record breaking year with low numbers and this year had been low as well.  Unfortunately, it is turning out to be unacceptably high for bicyclist accidents and fatalities, especially compared to the ratio of overall traffic fatalities for 2018:

san francisco bicycle fatalities 2018

Why Are Bicycle Accidents on The Rise in San Francisco?

The increase in injuries and fatalities is on the rise in the state by some data.  It is harder to be certain when looking at data for 2018 as so much of it is still being aggregated.  The Govenors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) which reviews road safety in all states found that in 2016 and 2017 pedestrians are now the largest proportion of traffic fatalities nationwide than they have been in 33 years.  More people outside of cars are dying; it is on the rise as a nation and as a state.  Year after year California fluctuates at the top of the nation for the state with the highest number of bicyclists and pedestrians killed each year in traffic collisions.  Usually, we’re first in total number of deaths, but sometimes we’re second.  This means what San Francisco is trying to do with Vison Zero goes against the majority of the nation, state, and metro-area statistics.  It will take education, engineering, and enforcement, but as bicycle accident attorneys and advocates for safer streets for pedestrians and cyclists, we believe it is possible.

The most recent incident occurred outside of a Vision Zero high-injury corridor on the 1600 block on Howard Street near South Van Ness and 12th Streets (Hoodline).  The cyclist was on his way to a bicycling rally to advocate for more protected bike lanes (SF Examiner).  Studies have been showing bicyclists feel safer in these protected lanes and they are a part of Vision Zero.   The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is calling for quick action and asks that San Francisco do a better job to prevent more loss in their press release following this terrible tragedy.

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition calls for quick action


What Can You Do To Prevent The Next Traffic Fatality?

  1. Don’t touch your phone! Not for a call, text, or map.  Never drive distracted.  In 2015, 10% of traffic fatalities resulted from distracted driving (NHTSA).  This is easy for you to avoid.
  2. Never drive impaired by alcohol, drugs, or medications. Drivers who were impaired by drugs or alcohol in collisions resulting in a fatality has been dramatically increasing!  In 2015 it was up to 42.6% (NHTSA).  And the worst time for this is during the holidays… which is coming up.
  3. Slow down. To put it simply: speed kills.  Approximately 31% of traffic fatalities are a result of speeding as the main factor (NHTSA).  And experts believe the increase in fatalities is due to more people speeding… Are you really in that big of a hurry?


Rahman Law PC is dedicated to making San Francisco’s streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists because we walk and ride these streets, too!  As bicycle accident attorneys we regularly attend events and advocate for pedestrian and bicyclist rights.  Four deaths in one year is a setback in the progress everyone has been working so hard for, but we will not give up.  Even one death is one too many.

*Data from Vision Zero SF.  Some data is still under investigation.


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5 Rules Every Parent Should Know Before Letting Your Child Ride Their Bike in San Francisco

San Francisco bicycle accident attorneySchool is back in session and just like you, your child is a commuter.  You may drive your child to school and give them a quick tuck-and-roll drop-off, or they may ride the bus, but some still pedal their way among the throngs of cars, pedestrians, and other cyclists.  Or, you may have children who only cycle at home afterschool and on weekends.  In either case, we wanted to share with you 5 rules every parent should know when letting their child ride their bike in San Francisco.  Children under 14 accounted for 37% of all fatal bicycle accidents in 2015 and San Francisco is still in the top 13 cities in the entire United States for bicycle fatalities with motor vehicle collisions.  It is important for parents to be vigilant.

1: Urban Cycling Ends at 6:00pm

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis looks hard at fatal bicycle accidents and tries to find patterns.  One that they have found to be consistently true is the spike in bicycle accidents resulting in fatalities between 6:00pm and 9:00pm during any season. If your child has extracurricular activities keeping them out, make sure they are home with their bicycle before 6:00pm.  If they have come home and gone out for a ride, the same rule applies.

2: Ride with Traffic

Ride in the same direction as traffic in the bike lane.  Use the travel lane (the vehicle lane) when needed to avoid obstacles and always signal your actions with your hands to tell the drivers and other cyclists what you are doing.  Children under the age of 13 may ride on the sidewalk in San Francisco (CVC 21560, San Francisco Transportation Code Sec. 7.2.12).

3: Always Wear an Approved Helmet

Cyclists and passengers under the age of 18 must wear an approved helmet.  Parents – set a good example, be safe, and wear one, too!  Also be sure the helmet is properly fitted.  Many children will wear their helmet too far back away from the brow.  In addition to a helmet, adding extra reflective gear is beneficial.  Elastic straps that go around the ankles with hook-and-eye closures can catch headlights and give extra visibility.

4: No Surround Sound

Headphones may not be in/cover both ears (CVC 27400).  Many children like to listen to music while commuting, but they may not have both ears covered while operating a bicycle.  A hands-free device is permitted in one ear, but this may cause further distractions if a child tries to answer a phone call while navigating an urban area.

5: Obey the Lights and Signs

Children who have not yet learned to drive often don’t know to stop or yield in the right locations for signs and crosswalks which can potentially lead to bicycle accidents or collisions.  When on a bike, operators must obey the same rules as a car, which means they must stop at a stop sign and wait their turn.  If your child is commuting on their bicycle, consider riding their route with them a few times to help explain the lights and signs to them.  DMV booklets contain road rules and can be picked up free of charge.

Talk to Your Child to Prevent a Bicycle Accident

These are 5 rules we think every parent should know before letting their child ride their bike in San Francisco.  In California, the law regarding riding on the sidewalk varies from city to city, but the other rules are beneficial for adults who ride and parents with children who ride throughout California.  As bicycle accident attorneys in San Francisco with a second office in Paso Robles, we talk to a lot of parents with concerns after an accident or a close-call who are looking for what they can do to prevent a bicycle accident.  In the urban landscape of San Francisco, children need extra help learning about bicycle safety and constant reminders to ride safe.  We hope these 5 rules will help you talk to your child about bicycle safety.

If you would like more information about the rules in California, you may download our Ride Safe Reference Guide here.  It has these and other rules of the road for bicycle safety in California.  And if you would like to talk to one of our bicycle accident attorneys in San Francisco or Paso Robles, contact us for a free consultation today!

Resources for Parents about Bicycling with Kids:

Kidical Mass

Safe Routes to School

Walk & Roll to School Day

Is Your Demographic Most Likely to be in a Fatal Bicycle Accident?

fatal bicycle accidentIt takes a long time for data to be compiled and released.  In March of 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis released their data from 2015 with comparisons going back to 2006.  By gathering data over the years, the statistical team has sought to find patterns: is there a most fatal time of day for bicycle accidents with motor vehicles, or perhaps a demographic most likely to be in a fatal bicycle accident?

There is a difference between causality and correlation: a demographic might be found in a pattern but that in no way points to an immediate cause.  Something we talk about frequently is the immediate blame placed on pedestrians, pedalcyclists, and motorcyclists when an accident occurs; we blame the victim.  When a bicycle accident is fatal, the victim has lost their ability to speak which is one of many important reasons why they should not be immediately placed in the wrong.  All avenues must be explored.  So when a demographic is found to correlate to fatal bicycle accidents, we must explore that, too.

So, is your demographic most likely to be in a fatal bicycle accident?


Gender can rule out roughly half of the population.  Men are more likely to be killed in a bicycle collision involving a motor vehicle than women and it’s a fairly significant difference (4.40% men v. 0.74% women).  Men were also much more likely to be involved in a bicycle collision with a motor vehicle resulting in an injury without a fatality (229% men v. 54% women).


Both men and women shared their top-tier category for the age with the highest number of fatal bicycle accidents (ages 55-59, 92m/16w) while men had their second-tier follow in age (50-54, 87), women were not as significant in difference for their second-tier apart from their third-tier (65-69, 13; 50-54, 12; 20-24, 12).  Women also have the most reported bicycle accidents with injuries (not fatal) at 20-24 years of age.  Men in their 50s and women in their early 20s or late 50s are all in the demographic that appears to be significant for bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles.


As bicycle accident attorneys, we have offices in Paso Robles and San Francisco, California assisting with bicycle accident and personal injury cases.  California was the first in the nation for pedestrian and bicycle fatalities for the longest time (as advocates to reduce those numbers, it felt like an eternity).  Per the Traffic Safety Facts report, California is now second in the nation to Florida.  It is a big win for our state as we have a larger population.  In 2015, Florida had 150 pedalcyclist fatalities while California had 129.  For other readers trying to determine if they are in an at-risk demographic, these are the only two states to have more than 100 fatalities in 2015.  Texas is the third highest with 50 fatal bicycle accidents.  Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Rhode Island, and Wyoming are the safest states for cyclists with none (and that is the list we really want California to be on!).

So why California, Florida, and Texas?  The areas with the highest bicycle injury and fatality rates are the urban areas.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has compiled city data and the cities with the highest resident populations are most often the ones with the highest total bicycle fatalities.  The total fatal traffic accidents of San Francisco including fatal bicycle accidents and fatal motor vehicle collisions with pedestrian made up over 10% of the entire country’s traffic fatalities for the year.  Other urban regions with dense populations and high cyclist fatality rates here in California include Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose.  Los Angeles, CA was the city with the most fatal bicycle accidents in 2015; New York, NY, was second.

Ride Safe

California cyclist guideIf you would like to read more about the demographics collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you can download their Bicyclists and Other Cyclists Traffic Safety Facts report here.  But knowing that your demographic is more or less likely to be in a fatal bicycle accident is not the end of safety precautions when riding.  We want you to ride safe each and every time you go out there and that means proper gear, visibility, and knowing the rules of the road.

Download our free Ride Safe brochure here or pick one up the next time you see as at an event.


If you or someone you know has been injured in a collision as a pedestrian or while riding a bike, contact our bicycle accident attorneys today.