Motorcycling in the Fall. Stay Safe!

The weather is starting to turn fall like here in the Bay Area. Taking time out to turn your morotcycle and review saftey issues wil make sure that you stay safe and happy as you enjoy the cool weather with your friends and family.

This article published on 11/22/08 in Has great advice for gearing up for autumnal riding. So gear up with your buddies and stay safe!

Map of San Francisco’s Most Dangerous Intersections

San Francisco is full of narrow, busy, streets. Throw in buses,pedestrians, short light changes and the mix can turn deadly.

The San Francisco Chronicle recently published a map of San Francisco intersections that have a high Muni accident rate. The top three intersections with the highest rate of Muni accidents are:

1) 6th and Market Street/Taylor and Golden Gate
2) 3rd and Market Street/Kearny and Geary Street
3) 5th and Market Street

Take a look at this map mash up to see more intersections that Muni needs to start paying attention to.